Happy & Healthy New Year’s Resolutions

🎊 Happy 2022! 🎊

✨ Breathe more: LET IT IN, LET IT OUT ✨

Sometimes we forget the most simple things in life! Your breath is your life force, so use it to help improve your life! Breathing exercises (or even just a few deep breaths) can quickly reduce stress, anxiety, and tension in our bodies. It also lowers your heart rate & blood pressure and can help you manage chronic pain!

✨ Exercise more: IMPROVE YOUR HEALTH ✨

…and I don’t mean to lose weight; that is not the goal! Exercise can relieve stress, help us sleep better at night, increase our brain functions, give us more energy, strengthen our bodies, and boost our confidence! If you don’t exercise regularly, start by taking a 15 or 30-minute walk every day or every other day. If you aren’t able to move your body much, try lifting your arms in the air, twisting your torso, and stretching your legs. The more you get your blood moving & the more you do it, the easier it gets & the better it feels!

✨ Bring more self-care into your routine: LOVE YOURSELF ✨

Self care is more important than you think! It’s not just taking a bath or reading a book in your free time, it’s implementing ways to center your physical & mental self, and help them work better together for your BEST self! Read my blog on self care for inspiration on how you can make sure you find small moments of joy & respite.

✨ Connect with family + friends more: COMMUNITY ✨

Since the beginning of 2020, social distancing has made it harder to feel connected with our loved ones. Try calling, FaceTiming, to Zooming someone you miss or want to keep in touch every week or month! Hearing someone’s voice and talking about things you both enjoy can really improve your relationship & overall happiness! Interacting with some of your favorite people can promote a sense of safety, belonging, and security, as well as allowing you to confide in others and let them confide in you. “The power of community to create is far greater than any physician, clinic, or hospital.” -Mark Hyman

✨ Read more: EDUCATION + STORIES ✨

You may love to read already or you may despise it! Either way, reading is fundamental! Reading improves our cognition, vocabulary, and mood! Reading can include reading a story book, an educational book, the news… basically anything besides social media!

✨ Practice gratitude + positivity more: MAKE HAPPY ✨

Our mind is our most important organ; it has so much power over our whole body! The first step is awareness. When we’re aware of our bodies, our minds, and our environments, we can see the world a bit more clearly. When you feel optimistic about the world, you have a higher self-esteem, you’re more confident about decision making, and you can handle stressful situations with more empathy. An amazing part about being grateful is that it helps us improve our relationships & communication! Practicing gratitude can look like: saying 5 things you’re thankful before you go to sleep (with yourself and/or your partner), writing in a journal, and being grateful in moments throughout your day.

✨ Drink more water: STAY HYDRATED ✨

Who doesn’t love water? It refreshes us, it quenches our thirst… what else? Water can lubricate our joints for easier movement, it maintains blood pressure, it refulated body temperature, it helps with getting better sleep, it gives you more energy during workouts + throughout the day, and so much more! Water is also important because it moves food throughout our intestines and flushes our body of waste. Make it a goal to swap out a soda or alcohol for a water (or at least drink it on the side) at least once a week! Do you have a reusable water bottle? It’s 2022, get one & fill it up!

Do you have any other happy & healthy resolutions for 2022? Share them with us on Facebook!


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