Cupping Isn’t Just for Athletes!

A Chinese Olympic swimmer's back shows marks left from cupping therapy during a training session at the National Aquatics Centre in Beijing August 4, 2008. REUTERS/David Gray

Have you ever noticed the dark red spots on some athlete's backs, shoulders, and arms?

That's Cupping, an ancient traditional Chinese massage technique using suction cups.

Cupping increases blood circulation to the area where the cups are placed. This may relieve muscle tension, which can improve overall blood flow and promote cell repair. It may also help form new connective tissues and create new blood vessels in the tissue.

Benefits of Cupping

- Clears stagnation

- Drains & moves fluids

- Relieves Inflammation

- Nervous System Sedation

- Expels Congestion

- Stretches Muscle & Connective Tissue

- Loosens Adhesions

- Nourishing Blood Supply to the Skin

What To Expect:

-Patients can come in as often as two to three times a week for cupping

-Immediately post treatment, you will feel calm, relaxed and generally less tension overall

-The marks that cupping can cause usually last between three to seven days

-You may feel fatigued or experience flu-like symptoms the next day

-Avoid hot temperatures (hot shower, sauna, hot tub) 4-6 hours after cupping as it opens your pores, so your skin may be more sensitive to temperature


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